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Project Reflections

Project Menu: Hauntology



Design process:

Project Reflections and Future:

Final Project Reflections

Overall I feel this project has achieved its original intentions of effectively translating the thoery of Hauntology whilst fostering a sense of intrigue and discovery, while also avoiding becoming too theotretically based.


Going forwar this project would obviously be taken to the next stage by the final prototype being coded to a live site. I feel this is possible, however I feel it would require some outside help. During the final feedback sessions for this project it was noted how it would benefit from some current imagery being implemented into the collages, and I definately agree. Below are some collages created using the prototype that use that more recent imagery.

One of the hardest challenges of this project has been keeping it inline with the original understanding I developed of hauntology. Whilst designing and creating the collage and site, it was sometimes easy to lose site of this, so regular checkbacks with the thoeretical side of my research were essential. 

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