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Final Prototype

Project Menu: Hauntology



Design process:

Project Reflections and Future:

Final High Fidedlity Prototype


Link to my full figma document:


  • Users are now presented with a launch screen which on click takes them through a rapid fire entry video displaying pre created hauntological collages

  • The 'W, A, S, D' controls have been removed. The user would not be able to move their chosen image. This is to position the images in a currated way. 

  • The image addition and removal tool localed above the canvas have been refined, it now displays an ambigous image, GIF or audio name, the user has the ability to add or remove their currently chosen file. They also have the ability to refresh the canvas completely.

  • The 'information' section on the left hand side of the screen now displays various questions around the theme of hauntology, more questions are presented as the user builds their collage

  • The users are able to 'Generate their collaging, which will take them through to the breakdown section of the project, in which the idea of hauntology is described, and each file they have chosen in their collage has its Hauntological reasoning and resulting selection explained. The user is then able to return to the creation page to start from scratch, download a GIF image of their collage, or upload to social media channels.


The idea of a user journy is at the heart of this final prototype. As they user moves through the site, building their collage, they are subtly exposed to more and more questions related to Hauntology and the future. These are not directly answered in the project, and are designed to give a sense of intrigue and inquisition.
Enough for the user to want seek out the answers from themselves.


On completion of their collage the desire is for the user to share their project, spreading the theory of Hauntology and on a wider scale inspire people to seek out and question what is change.

Final Prototype Sceen Grabs:

MacBook Pro - 62.png
MacBook Pro - 62.png

Example Collage

MacBook Pro - 70.png

Loading Animation


Example Collage


Video demonstration:

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