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HTML 5 Canvas


While researching and experimenting with image creation and minipulation, I was always concious of how the tools and the functionality they allowed me could be adapted to my project and be available on the web. I begin searching for a way to create drawing canvas's on the web and found it could be possible via HTML 5 and Canvas.

I begin with some simple tutorials on the basis of canvas and creating drawing machines with code. Below is my progress:

Stage One:

canvas stage 1gif.gif

Project Menu: Hauntology



Design process:

Project Reflections and Future:


Stage Two: Buttons added to allow more options on canvas


Stage Three: Addition of CSS Grids, variable sliders also added 

Stage Four: Image filtering options added

canvas stage 3gif.gif

Coding Reflections:

After reaching a certain level with the coded live version of my project, it was beging to become increasingly difficult to make process at a speed which would provide me with a solid final outcome which adequately represented what I was trying to achieve with my project. This lead me to the decsion to creating the highest fidelity prototype I could, in order to give a better idea of what the UI and UX of my project would ideally be like. 

For this I decided to use Figma. Continuing into the next documentation pages of my project will be my prototying attempts and adjustments.

Live Site:

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